Search Resources: Artwork

Results 1 - 20 of 58


Drawing 12

Drawing by Derek Condo

Drawing by Derek Condo

Basket Making 09

Basket making with Louis A. Martin

Basket making with Louis A. Martin

Drum Making 08

Kid showing his finished drum

Kid showing his finished drum

Drawing 02

Drawing done by Derek Condo

Drawing done by Derek Condo

Drawing 13

Drawing by Derek Condo

Drawing by Derek Condo

Basket Making 08

Basket making with John A. Martin

Basket making with John A. Martin

Snow Shoe Making 01

Batiste Condo making snow shoes

Batiste Condo making snow shoes

Drawing 03

Drawing done by Derek Condo

Drawing done by Derek Condo

Drawing 14

Drawing by Talbert Isaac

Drawing by Talbert Isaac

Basket Making 07

Basket making with John Batiste Condo

Basket making with John Batiste Condo

Snow Shoe Making 02

Snow shoe making with Simon Condo in the front and Batiste Condo in the back

Snow shoe making with Simon Condo in the front and Batiste Condo in the back

Drawing 04

Drawing by Derek Condo

Drawing by Derek Condo

Paiting 01

Painting done by Audrey Isaac

Painting done by Audrey Isaac

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